RAIN Newsletter
The RAIN newsletter is published quarterly, see the latest issues below. Find more past issues on our subcommittee page.
News and Events
2023-2024 RAIN Annual Report [PDF]
2024 RAIN Outstanding Agency Awards

2024 RAIN Agency Awards Poster [PDF]
2024 RAIN Agency Awards Agenda [PDF]
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Helen Sommer's Building, Capitol Campus
Hybrid: In-Person or Zoom
Conference Rooms G015 A & B
2:00 - 4:00 PM
RSVP required if attending in-person.
To our 2SLGBTQ+ community, if you are feeling afraid or sad due to recent events, please know that you are not alone. If you are feeling frustrated, angry or overwhelmed, please know that you are not alone. We have and will continue to build networks of protection, support, and safety by and for one another. The lives of nonbinary, trans, gender expansive, and queer people are gifts to this world. Each one of your lives matters and deserves not only protection, but care and love.
We encourage all those who feel like they may need support in this moment and days to come to one of the following resources:
- The EAP. Employees | Department of Enterprise Services (DES) (wa.gov)
- The Trevor Project: The Trevor Project’s mission is to end suicide among LGBTQ young people. The Trevor Project services include crisis service (call and chat lines), advocacy, research, education, and public awareness.
- Trans Lifeline: Trans Lifeline provides trans peer support for our community that’s run by and for trans people. Services include a peer support phone hotline and microgrants for trans and non-binary people.
- 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: The 988 Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States.
RAIN 2023 Outstanding Agency Awards!
Congratulations to this year's winning agencies!
- Washington State Parks
- Washington Department of Licensing
- Office of the Corrections Ombuds
See more details on our Agency Awards page.
September General Membership Speakers - Sept. 21, 2023
- Mario Brown, LGBTQIA+ Biomedical National Partnership Manager for the American Red Cross. Mario will help us understand the new rules for blood donation now that the blanket ban has ended.
- Latino Leadership Network - Join us in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with LLN Leaders and learn what they're up to!
RAIN Transitioning in the Workplace Toolkit Training Now Available!
The RAIN Training subcommittee has developed a training to guide staff through the transitioning in the workplace toolkit that was released earlier this year. See available dates to register and more information on our trainings page.
RAIN 2022-23 Annual Report
RAIN Leadership published the 2022-23 Annual Report detailing the activities over the past fiscal year.
June 1, 2023 RAIN Best Practices Committee releases the Transitioning in the Workplace Toolkit
The Rainbow Alliance and Inclusion Network (RAIN), Washington State’s LGBTQ+ Business Resource Group, is excited to announce our development of a guide for supporting individuals transitioning in the workplace.
This guide is intended to support discussions around transitioning in the workplace, but the safety and wellbeing of the employee transitioning should be the center of this process. This document is not all-inclusive nor is it legal advice. There may be updated resources and changes that should also be consulted when engaging in this process.
When using and distributing this guide center folks with lived experiences and consider the following:
- Distributing to and connecting with affinity groups in your agency
- Building your process before you need it
- Sharing this across your agency, including any supplemental agency specific information your organization has
- Adding to onboarding and regular agency wide updates
Please distribute this document to your entire agency. We encourage everyone to keep this document somewhere that is accessible to all employees. There are people in every agency who can benefit from this information, especially those who may be assumed to not need it.
RAIN will be facilitating training on the content of this guide to support a thorough understanding of all the information. We would love to hear any feedback from employees regarding the guide so that we can continue to improve it. The RAIN Best Practices subcommittee is also available to provide feedback on policies and procedures at your organization, not just to do with this guide. You can check out RAIN trainings to see what opportunities we have for you coming up.
Transitioning can be one of the most stressful and wonderful time of someone’s life. The goal and intention of this guide is to support anyone on this courageous and beautiful journey.
In love and solidarity,
The RAIN Best Practices Subcommittee Co-Chairs
Ariel Kay-Barto & Rueben Otero
Mar. 31, 2023

You are invited to the Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) panel hosted by RAIN. TDOV is an annual day meant to celebrate, bring awareness, and elevate the visibility and voices of trans folks. Join us for this information packed panel where folks will share their stories and talk about what TDOV means to them.
Date: March 31, 2023
Time: 11 to 12 p.m.
Location: Virtual
*The panel is only open to Washington state employees and employees of Washington Institutions of Higher Education. To register for the event please use your work email. Personal emails will be denied access.
Mar. 16, 2023

March General Membership Meeting Guest Speaker:
Chandler Wheeler, Odyssey Youth Movement Spokane.
Odyssey Youth Movement is a 501(c)3 nonprofit promoting equity for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning (LGBTQ+) youth in the Inland Northwest through youth-driven programs and community education since 1992. We provide four nights a week of programs & resources for LGBTQ+ youth and young adults at our drop-in center in the South Perry district of Spokane. In addition, Odyssey hosts a handful of annual events to connect with the Spokane community and maintains a presence in local schools to help support LGBTQ+ students. Visit https://www.odysseyyouth.org/ for more information.
Jan. 19, 2023

Jan. General Membership Meeting Guest Speaker:
Stephanie Sampedro, Student Loan Advocate with the Student Achievement Council.
Learn about Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program
Do you have questions about the qualifications of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program, types of loans & payment plans, or just dealing with student loan debt in general? If so, please join us on at our next general membership meeting Jan 19 at 2 p.m. We’ll be joined by Stephanie Sampedro, the Washington Student Loan Advocate to learn about PSLF and will provide time for questions and links to resources.
Dec. 2022 - Reminder: No December General Membership Meeting!
Time for a break! Reminder that RAIN does not have a general membership meeting in the month of December. We do host an after hours holiday get together. Active members received an invite. Otherwise, we will see you next year!
Oct. 2022 - RAIN's 2022 Outstanding Agency Awards
This year's Agency Award Celebration will be hybrid in-person and over zoom! The event takes place Oct. 20, 2022. No registration required.
When: October 20 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Where: Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission: Hearing Room
621 Woodland Square Loop SE, Lacey, WA 98503
Parking: There is free visitor parking in front of the building and throughout Woodland Square Loop. View a printable parking map, and print a visitor parking pass to park in reserved lots. Parking passes will be available to pick up at the event as well.
Accomodation: ASL interpreters and Live captioning will be available at the event for both in-person guests and those who join via zoom. The UTC Hearing Room is accessible. For other accomodation requests please email rain@ofm.wa.gov.
Congratulations to this year's winners and nominees!
Eastern Washington University - Student Affairs
Department of Social and Health Services - Economic Services Administration
Department of Enterprise Services - Buildings and Grounds
- Employment Security Department
- Department of Health
Department of Services for the Blind- Orientation and Training Program
Department of Enterprise Services- Washington Enterprise Services
Department of Licensing
Department of Ecology
Department of Children, Youth, and Families
June 16, 2022 - RAIN Pride Month Virtual Panel and Celebration June 16 at 2:30 p.m.
Join RAIN in celebration Pride Month on June 16 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. RAIN is joined by leaders in state government to discuss LGBTQ+ issues, their personal journies through state government, finding and helping others find belonging in the community while at work, and increasing LGBTQ+ inclusivity. Followed by membership mingle time to celebrate pride from 4 to 4:30. Please email rain@ofm.wa.gov for accomodation requests. This event will not be recorded.

Download Pride Month Panel Booklet
May 16, 2022 - May General Membership Meeting Guest Speaker:
Jaelynn Scott, Executive Director of the Lavender Rights Project

Jaelynn Scott, M.Div., is the Executive Director of Lavender Rights Project. Lavender Rights Project offers holistic, wrap-around care and legal services for LGBTQ persons and especially Black Trans people. Jaelynn provides leadership in the community and with nonprofit organizations as they work to center Black life and especially Black trans life in their mission and organizational structure. She has helped religious organizations and nonprofits radically reimagine policies and procedures as well as expand and refocus their work towards racial and gender equity.
Jaelynn is an ordained minister and regularly preaches and facilitates workshops. She has experience in Human Resources and Operations. Jaelynn is passionate about trans liberation, sacred practices for self-care, decolonized labor practices, and mindfulness in the workplace.
March 3, 2022

RAIN hosts Transgender Day of Visibility Panel for State Employees
Mar. 31, 2022 from 1 to 2 p.m.
Please join RAIN in celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV). TDOV is an annual event to celebrate and raise visibility and awareness around transgender folks. This year we are hosting a panel of transgender state employees who will share their stories and experiences.
Feb. 1, 2022
RAIN hosts Dr. Marcus Anthony Hunter, Feb. 17, 2022 from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.
The RAIN employee business resource group will be hosting a special guest speaker to celebrate Black History Month. Dr. Marcus Anthony Hunter is the Scott Waugh endowed chair in the Division of the Social Sciences and Professor of Sociology and African American Studies at UCLA, coined the term #BlackLivesMatter, and author of four books. His research, activism and commentary have been featured in various journals, social media platforms, and news media. Join us in having a conversation with Dr. Hunter as he discusses the quest for systemic racial equality in America.

Jan. 25, 2022
The RAIN Best Practices subcommittee has completed an FAQ for Adding Pronouns to Your Signature Line. State employees have worked to create more inclusive workplaces for each other and the general public. Using pronouns in email signatures sends a message that state agencies are inclusive of everyone in Washington state and acknowledges gender diversity. As this practice becomes more commonplace, many people have raised questions about its use. The Rainbow Alliance and Inclusion Network (RAIN), developed an FAQ document to attach to pronouns in your signature line for reference. Please feel free to share this resource with your agency and workgroups.
Your Name
Pronouns: they/them
Contact Info
Oct. 22, 2021
Outstanding Agency Awards: Congratulations to this year's RAIN Outstanding Agency Award winners!
- The Department of Children, Youth, and Families
- The Department of Social and Health Services - Developmental Disabilities Administration - Rainier School
- The Employment Security Department
Every year, Washington state employees nominate agencies that have led the way in work to help create a safe and inclusive environment for LGTBQ+ employees. Nominations highlight specific changes in policies, practices, and culture that each agency has done to promote LGTBQ+ awareness and inclusivity. These awards are so special because the nominations come from employees within the agency that appreciate and recognize the work being done agency wide. We celebrate and thank all the nominated agencies for the work they are doing!
The 2021 Agency Awards Ceremony was on Oct. 21, 2021 during our October general membership meeting.